Friday 5 August 2011

Venezuelan leader changes his tune

(CNN) -- It has appeared repeatedly on Venezuelan state television, government ads, and the even the president's Twitter account. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has a new populist slogan.

Chavez, who recently admitted he is battling cancer, is no longer using the slogan that defined his first decade in power: "patria, socialismo o muerte" (motherland, socialism, or death). He has now changed it for one that is markedly more optimistic.

Since he returned from Cuba earlier this month after undergoing cancer treatment that included a surgery, Chavez has been using the slogan "viviremos y venceremos" -- we will live and we will come out victorious.

The 56-year-old socialist leader has also been noticeably more focused on topics that center on life rather than revolution and socialism. Earlier this week he attended Mass at a Caracas military academy and took Holy Communion while his supporters prayed for his health.

Thursday morning, Chavez wrote on his twitter account, @chavezcandanga, "Good morning, happy World! Good morning, to Living! I sing to you from my barracks. I play the trumpet and start my battle. We will live and we will come out victorious!!!"

In a phone interview aired by the Venezuelan state channel VTV Wednesday, Chavez revealed to the audience that the tumor found in his pelvic area was "the size of a baseball." He also said that the second phase of his treatment includes "an organ by organ evaluation" and that he may need radiation or chemotherapy later on.

Chavez spent almost a month in Cuba for the initial phase of his cancer treatment, which included surgery. The opposition repeatedly called for Chavez to name a temporary head of government in his absence. Now that he's back, Chavez says he's under 24-hour medical supervision, but made it clear that he's still calling the shots. "I am in my barracks, but still commanding," he said.



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